Number Coloring

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Points: 1
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem types

Consider numbers \(2, 3, 4, ..., N\) (the first \(N\) positive integers except \(1\)). You want to color them in such a way that there is no triple of (not necessarily distinct) same-colored numbers \(a, b, c\) such that \(a \cdot b = c\).

What is the minimum number of colors you can use?


The first line contains the integer \(N\).

  • \(2 \le N \le 10^6\)


In the first line print the minimum possible number of colors used.

In the second line print \(N - 1\) numbers-- the coloring of numbers \(2, 3, ..., N\) in your solution. Colors should be consecutive integers starting from \(1\). If there are multiple optimal colorings, print any of them.


Input 1:


Output 1:

1 1

Input 2:


Output 2:

1 2 2


Input 1: It is possible to color both \(2\) and \(3\) with the same color, thus using only one color, which is the minimum possible.

Input 2: One can't color numbers \(2\) and \(4\) with the same color, as \(2 \cdot 2 = 4\). Note that colorings \(2\) \(2\) \(1\), \(2\) \(1\) \(1\), and \(1\) \(1\) \(2\) (and only them) will be accepted as well.